Restoring a Degraded Channel with a Focus on Enhancing Ecological Value
With wastewater treatment plants discharging their effluent into Big Dry Creek upstream of the project site, an unnatural base flow resulted in chronic stream degradation through the Thorncreek Golf Course. This maintenance restoration project involved ecological restoration and bank stabilization of around 2,500 linear feet of damaged Big Dry Creek through the golf course. Stream collaborated on a design that ultimately resulted in a realigned creek channel, re- shaped banks and a naturalized drop structure, which together stabilize the stream and improve public safety. The improvements also increase healthy and diverse vegetation, enhance wildlife habitat, restore water-quality, and maximize views throughout the golf course.

Clients & Recognition
View All AwardsPanorama Park
2023 Merit Award for Design
With special recognition for exemplary diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts
Colorado American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
Colorado Springs, Colorado