Denver’s enhanced BMP guide
Stream teamed with Muller Engineering to develop a guidance manual for the design, installation, and maintenance of site-scale water quality treatment best management practices (BMPs) for low impact development within highly urbanized parts of Denver. These BMPs offer multi-functional green infrastructure (landscape) elements that meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s guidelines for reducing and removing pollutants from urban stormwater as well as reducing runoff volumes (and subsequent downstream flooding) through infiltration and uptake of plant roots. In addition to being effective at improving water quality and stormwater detention, these BMPs were designed to be aesthetically pleasing, maintainable, and sustainable features that enhance streetscapes and pedestrian environments.

Clients & Recognition
View All AwardsPanorama Park
2023 Merit Award for Design
With special recognition for exemplary diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts
Colorado American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
Colorado Springs, Colorado