
Panorama Park

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Panorama Park

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Panorama Park is an existing, under-utilized 13-acre neighborhood park in southeast Colorado Springs with amazing views of Pike’s Peak and the potential to be a very special park for the surrounding under-served community. Together with the Trust for Public Land (TPL), the City of Colorado Springs sought to develop the park to its potential and hired Stream to lead the project. The project is currently in construction with improvements totaling $7 million, which includes a universally accessible playground, ball fields, a ‘skateable’ youth area, an event lawn and plaza, an interactive water feature, and a series of looped paths and adventure trails that offer a variety of distances and experiences for visitors.  

Using a collaborative process, Stream worked with the City, TPL, schools and community organizations to develop a plan for the park that truly reflects the desires and dreams of the community, and a design that is intended to create a social heart of the neighborhood.  Green infrastructure is key to the overall design approach.  Stormwater runoff is distributed to dispersed infiltration areas throughout the site, thus reducing the detention volume, while maximizing the usable areas for recreation.  For example, the bike challenge course has been carefully graded and designed to integrate with the detention ponds.  This project employs many green infrastructure BMP’s that could be replicated in future park projects.

Stormwater Plan